Flat Barrier "Concertina"

Flat barrier "Concertina"

Flat security barrier Concertina, made of razor wire, is a compact barrier, but at the same time it has sufficiently high protective functions and ensures the safety of territories and civilian facilities. The diameter of the Concertina flat fence can be 500 or 600 mm, and the wire diameter used is 2.2 mm.

Concertina is used in urban areas for installation on fences and fences of embassies, consulates, military units, store warehouses, as well as for fencing stadiums, private schools and kindergartens, boarding houses, holiday villages. https://concertina.ua/en/catalog/obstacles/flat-barrier The ease of installation of a flat Concertina razor wire barrier and a less aggressive look compared to volumetric spirals make this barrier popular for use on almost any civilian facility.