Concertina Wire Barrier

Concertina wire barrier

Concertina wire barriers are produced in accordance with TU U 25.9-21804553-001:2020 from a razor wire by winding a certain number of turns onto a drum of the required diameter and connecting them in pairs with special clips in equidistant places from each other.

The Concertina wire barrier is made of wire with a diameter of 2.2 mm, the coil diameter can be from 400 to 600 mm for 3-staple coils, from 400 mm to 900 mm for 5-staples and from 600 to 900 mm for 7-staples.
The price of razor wire per linear meter in a Concertina wire connected by the 3-staple method will be cheaper only initially, and given the degree of efficiency and service life, you should purchase spirals connected at five points around the circumference for diameters from 500 to 600 mm and seven points for coil diameters from 700 to 900 mm.

Concertina wire barrier are recommended for fencing on lightweight fences, such as welded panel fences. It is best used to create protection on panel-type fences made of wire – concertina wire 500/5 security barrier.

If it is necessary to use Concertina wire barriers with a diameter of more than 600 mm to protect the perimeter, for greater reliability, the thickness of the diameter of the wire core should also be taken into account, and therefore in these cases it is recommended to choose from the range of fences in the Egoza concertina wire barrier.